I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!
Matthew 25:40
The great commission compels us to share the good news of Jesus' love in word and deed.
Therefore, whether it is through equipping our missionary partners to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of those they seek to serve or through local or international ministry opportunities, we at MTC, seek to be a tangible example of Christ's love.
Therefore, whether it is through equipping our missionary partners to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of those they seek to serve or through local or international ministry opportunities, we at MTC, seek to be a tangible example of Christ's love.
Beyond our walls

Billy & Rebecca Banda
"We continue to unceasingly thank God for the grace of partnership we have with MTC. The Lord gives us capacity to do more through our partnership, Thank you Pastor Brad and MTC for your prayers and financial support as we partner together. This is a great blessing for us and we are so humbled."
Rob & Kara Bustin
"Thank you for your partnership in providing God's word to unreached people groups."

Gary & Joanne Edwards
"We praise God for our church partners in Canada, who encourage & support the ministry work God has called us to in Mexico."

Sheryl Grunwald
Action International
"Thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry I serve."

Donovan & Charla Epp
"We pray that we remain diligent in our focus on Christ as we know battles will continue. We praise the Lord and thank you for your partnership with us."